Research Information Data Service

IT Services are developing a Research Information Data Service that staff will be able to request access to and which will enable the automatic repurposing of research information held in Pure via websites and system applications as needed.

The first phase of this data service is a publications widget for organisations. The widget displays lists of Pure publications information associated with any School/Department/Research Group. The lists can be configured to show full or minimal information, to show publications published in certain years or of a certain type (journal articles, book chapters etc). The widget can also include a search box, so that website visitors can search for specific words within the list. Lists include links through to the full publication records on Explore Bristol Research and (where supplied) to the DOI.

There is an example of the widget that lists publications for the whole University. This is a dummy example only, live examples will be added once they are available.

The widget is available to be used on any organisation website that is hosted within the University of Bristol.